Sometimes money should not be transferred from a customer straight away, however a card needs to be ‘swiped’ to ensure that funds can be taken at a future point. A typical example of this is for a hotel booking. A hotel may swipe a card and then take any funds after the stay for any additional charges (room service, dining, spa, etc).
SmarterPay’s integration to Opayo allows us to offer two types of deferred payments, each with their own rules.
For both types of deferred payments, cards may be ‘swiped’ via MOTO or ecommerce environments.
When a deferred payment is initiated, a card payment is created in Salesforce with a status of Pre-Auth or Authenticate. Once funds have been requested a card payment is created which details the result of the transaction.
The ‘release’ or execution of the final transaction to actually take funds can be initiated manually on a press of a button or automatically based on an event within Salesforce such as a field change.