Common Responses for the object.
Response Parameters
Property | Description |
id | The ID of the Record. |
Sun_Name | Originating SUN Name. |
Sun_Number | Originiting Service User Number (SUN). |
amount | Amount, in pence. |
auddis | Unique auddis identifier. |
bank_account | Customer Bank Account ID. |
client_bank_account_id | Originating Bank Account ID. |
created_at | Datetime formatted as ISO8601. |
credit_date | Date to send payment - 10 digit date in the format of “YYYY-MM-DD”. |
default_narrative | Text, associated with the transaction, which will be displayed in the customers Bank Account. Maximum 18 characters. |
description | Reference description – will be included in outgoing email. |
reference | Custom reference set on record. |
rti | Is used for Payroll Credits. Maximum of 4 characters. Can only contain “/” Slash, “A–Z” uppercase Alpha characters, “0–9” Numeric characters or “.” Full stop. |
status | This should always start with “pending_submission” and then change to “submitted”, can also be “failed”,“successful” or “cancelled”. |
submission_reference | The Credit reference that is sent to bacs. |
metadata | Returns optional, custom, metadata, if set |
Response Sample
{ "credit": { "ID": "CR01EXYR6K8K6V84ZLQV", "Sun_Name": "Smarterpay Test", "Sun_Number": "100263", "amount": "100", "auddis": "", "bank_account": "BA01RM741EJ5QQ83XGLW", "client_bank_account_id": "CBA-0000002", "created_at": "2023-03-23T16:49:29Z", "credit_date": "2023-04-20", "default_narrative": "", "description": "metered bill", "reference": "manual refund", "status": "pending_submission", "rti": "", "submission_reference": "CRR8K6V8", "metadata":"" } }
Response Sample
{ "credits": [ { "ID": "CR01EXYR6K8KXYP4ZLQV", "Sun_Name": "Smarterpay Test", "Sun_Number": "100263", "amount": "0", "auddis": "", "bank_account": "BA01O6YQRDJZRK8VL359", "client_bank_account_id": "CBA-0000002", "created_at": "2023-03-16T16:45:57Z", "credit_date": "2023-04-04", "default_narrative": "", "description": "Created By File Upload", "reference": "", "status": "cancelled", "rti": "", "submission_reference": "CRR8KXYP", "metadata":"" }, { "ID": "CR01GOVWD48GX2JN0M76", "Sun_Name": "Smarterpay Test", "Sun_Number": "100263", "amount": "0", "auddis": "", "bank_account": "BA01O6YQRDJZRK8VL359", "client_bank_account_id": "CBA-0000002", "created_at": "2023-03-17T09:04:46Z", "credit_date": "2023-04-04", "default_narrative": "", "description": "Created By File Upload", "reference": "", "status": "cancelled", "rti": "", "submission_reference": "CRR8GX2J", "metadata":"" } ] }