
Common Responses for the object.


Get Response Parameters

Response Parameters

Property Description
I_am_the_only_account_holder True, if the Mandate was not setup using joint signatories.
Sun_name Friendly name attached to a sun.
Sun_Number Sun that is attached to this mandate.
account_name Name on the account.
account_number Account number supplied from bank account record.
auddis Mandate reference, commonly known as Auddis.
bank_name Name of the bank.
client_bank_account_id Uniquer identifier for the attached client bank account.
created_at Datetime formatted as ISO8601.
customer_account Customer account ID if one has been created.
customer_bank_account Customer bank account ID.
dd_status Status of the direct debit created. Can be: “await validation”, “cancelled”, “cancelled by originator”, “cancelled by payer”, “expired”, “failed validation”, “first collection”, “new instruction”, “on hold”, “ongoing collection”.
id Unique identifier for the record.
originator_account_number Originator account number that the mandate is connected to.
originator_sort_code Orginator sort code that the mandate is connected to.
sort_code Sort code supplied from bank account record.
account_validation_url If enabled, and requested, the URL to be used to complete the Account Validation process.
account_validation_id The ID of the Associated Acount Validation record.
metadata Returns optional, custom, metadata, if set

Get Response Sample - Single

Response Sample

    "Mandate": {
        "I_am_the_only_account_holder": "false",
        "Sun_Name": "Smarterpay Test",
        "Sun_Number": "100263",
        "account_name": "J Hetfield",
        "account_number": "75849855",
        "auddis": "FBMAN00000373",
        "bank_name": "BARCLAYS BANK PLC",
        "client_bank_account_id": "CBA-0000002",
        "created_at": "2023-03-14T15:07:41Z",
        "customer_account": "CA0175OW1YJV3Y8X29LV",
        "customer_bank_account": "BA01EXYR6K8KXYP4ZLQV",
        "dd_status": "await validation",
        "id": "M01RZO41Y8DL3J0GNLW",
        "originator_account_number": "10020645",
        "originator_sort_code": "834600",
        "sort_code": "200052",
        "account_validation_url": "",
        "account_validation_id": "AV01X5137EJ746J4QOMY",

Get Response Sample - Multiple

Response Sample

    "Mandates": [
            "I_am_the_only_account_holder": "false",
            "Sun_Name": "Smarterpay Test",
            "Sun_Number": "100263",
            "account_name": "J Hetfield",
            "account_number": "75849855",
            "auddis": "FBMAN00000374",
            "bank_name": "BARCLAYS BANK PLC",
            "client_bank_account_id": "CBA-0000002",
            "created_at": "2023-03-14T15:07:57Z",
            "customer_account": "CA0175OW1YJV3Y8X29LV",
            "customer_bank_account": "BA01EXYR6K8KXYP4ZLQV",
            "dd_status": "new instruction",
            "id": "M01O6YQRDJZZOJVL359",
            "originator_account_number": "10020645",
            "originator_sort_code": "834600",
            "sort_code": "200052",
            "I_am_the_only_account_holder": "false",
            "Sun_Name": "Smarterpay Test",
            "Sun_Number": "100263",
            "account_name": "J Hetfield",
            "account_number": "75849855",
            "auddis": "FBMAN00000373",
            "bank_name": "BARCLAYS BANK PLC",
            "client_bank_account_id": "CBA-0000002",
            "created_at": "2023-03-14T15:07:41Z",
            "customer_account": "CA0175OW1YJV3Y8X29LV",
            "customer_bank_account": "BA01EXYR6K8KXYP4ZLQV",
            "dd_status": "await validation",
            "id": "M01RZO41Y8DL3J0GNLW",
            "originator_account_number": "10020645",
            "originator_sort_code": "834600",
            "sort_code": "200052",
            "account_validation_url": "",
            "account_validation_id": "AV01X5137EJ746J4QOMY",