Field | Mandatory | Type | Description |
Account Name | Yes | Text Box | Value locked. Using value set in selected Bank Account. |
Account Number | Yes | Text Box | Value locked. Using value set in selected Bank Account. |
Sort Code | Yes | Text Box | Value locked. Using value set in selected Bank Account. |
Create Mandate: (If left blank the auddis reference will be automatically generated ) | No | Text Box | If populated, will make up the AUDDIS reference of the Mandate. Valid characters A-Z, 0-9, “/”, “-”, “.”, “&”, “ ”. See note below. |
DD Status | Yes | Dropdown | Options for the status of the Mandate. Default for creating a record is “new instruction”. |
SUN | Yes | Dropdown | Available SUNs to connect the Mandate to. |
Originator Account | Yes | Dropdown | Available Originator Accounts, for the selected SUN, to connect the Mandate to. |
Account Validation | No | Checkbox | Select if the Bank Account Needs validating before the Mandate can be used. Will create the Mandate in an “await validation” status |
Available actions, subject to permissions, are:
Action | Description |
“SAVE” Button | Saves the new record and displays the Detail View. |
“CANCEL” Button | Cancels the record creation and returns to the List View. |