Account Validation Event - Structure


    "id": {VALUE},
    "idempotency_key": {VALUE},
    "sent_at": {VALUE},
    "client": {
        "id": {VALUE}
    "events": [
            "created_at": {VALUE},
            "edited_at": {VALUE},
            "id": {VALUE},
            "event_id": {VALUE},
            "event_source": {VALUE},
            "event_type": {VALUE},
            "report_returned": {VALUE},
            "validation_account_name": {VALUE},
            "validation_account_number": {VALUE},
            "validation_sort_code": {VALUE},
            "account_name": {VALUE},
            "message": {VALUE},
            "account_name_match": {VALUE},
            "metadata": {VALUE},
            "mandate": {
                "id": {VALUE},
                "auddis": {VALUE}
            "client": {
                "id": {VALUE}
            "created_by": {VALUE},
            "edited_by": {VALUE}

Note: Property display order for documentation purposes, actual order may vary.


Event Fields
Property Format Description
account_name string or null Account Name, returned by validation
account_name_match integer If a validation has been performed, this will be the % match to the name. 100 is an exact match
client object Object containing the client information, see below
created_at datetime (ISO8601) Date and time the record was created
created_by object or null Object containing the created_by information, if set, see below
edited_at datetime (ISO8601) Date and time the record was edited
edited_by object or null Object containing the edited_by information, if set, see below
event_id string The ID of the Event
event_source string The Source that triggered the event
event_type string This will be “account_validation.create” or “account_validation.update”
id string The ID of the Record
mandate object Object containing the mandate information see below
message string or null Feedback from the validation process, if there is an issue
metadata string or null Record metadata
report_returned boolean Has a validation report been recieved
validation_account_name string The Account Name of the customer, for validation
validation_account_number string Account Number, comprising of 8 numbers, for validation
validation_sort_code string Sort Code, comprising of 6 numbers, for validation
validation_status boolean Has validation been performed
client Object Fields
Property Format Description
id string ID of the record
created_by Object Fields
Property Format Description
id string ID of the record
edited_by Object Fields
Property Format Description
id string ID of the record
mandate Object Fields
Property Format Description
auddis string The Mandate/AUDDIS Reference of the Mandate
id string ID of the record