Mandate Event - Structure


            "account_validation": [
                    "id": {VALUE},
                    "account_name_match": {VALUE},
                    "validation_performed": {VALUE},
                    "validation_link": {VALUE},
                    "created_at": {VALUE},
                    "edited_at": {VALUE}

Note: Property display order for documentation purposes, actual order may vary.


Event Fields
Property Format Description
account_validation object or null Object containing the account_validation information, see below
bacs_description string or null The BACS Rejection Description, if set
bacs_filename string or null The BACS Rejection File Name, if set
bacs_reason_code string or null The BACS Rejection Reason Code, if set
bacs_reference string or null The BACS Reference, if set
bank_account object Object containing the bank_account information, see below
client object Object containing the client information, see below
created_at datetime (ISO8601) Date and time the record was created
created_by object or null Object containing the created_by information, if set, see below
customer_account object or null Object containing Customer Account information, if set, see below
edited_at datetime (ISO8601) Date and time the record was edited
edited_by object or null Object containing the edited_by information, if set, see below
event_id string The ID of the Event
event_source string The Source that triggered the event
event_type string This will be “mandate.create” or “mandate.update”
i_am_the_only_account_holder boolean If the account holder is the only signatory
id String The ID of the Record
metadata string or null String used to store custom metadata, if set
originating_bank_account object Object containing the originating_bank_account information, see below
reference string The AUDDIS Reference of the Mandate
service_user_number object Object containing the service_user_number information, see below
status string The Status of the Mandate, see options below
account_validation Object Fields

Please Note: The account_validation object is an array of objects. Each object contains the following fields:

Property Format Description
id string The ID of the Record
account_name_match string If a validation has been performed, this will be the % match to the name. 100 is an exact match
validation_performed boolean Has validation been performed
validation_link string Link needed to perform the account Validation check
created_at datetime (ISO8601) Date and time the record was created
edited_at datetime (ISO8601) Date and time the record was edited
bank_account Object Fields
Property Format Description
account_name string The Account Name of the customer
account_number string Account Number, comprising of 8 numbers
bank_name string The name of the bank
id string The ID of the Record
legacy_id string or null Legacy ID of the record, if set
sort_code string Sort Code comprising of 6 numbers
client Object Fields
Property Format Description
id string ID of the record
created_by Object Fields
Property Format Description
id string ID of the record
customer_account Object Fields
Property Format Description
id string ID of the record
legacy_id string or null Legacy ID of the record, if set
edited_by Object Fields
Property Format Description
id string ID of the record
originating_bank_account Object Fields
Property Format Description
account_name string Originating Bank Account name
account_number string Originating Bank Account number
Id string ID of the record
legacy_id string or null Legacy ID of the record, if set
sort_code string Originating Bank Account Sort code
service_user_number Object Fields
Property Format Description
id string ID of the record
sun_number string Service user number
sun_name string Friendly name for the service user number