Recurrence Schedule Event - Structure



Note: Property display order for documentation purposes, actual order may vary.


Event Fields
Property Format Description
amount integer Amount in pence
bacs_description string or null The BACS Rejection Description, if set
bacs_filename string or null The BACS Rejection File Name, if set
bacs_reason_code string or null The BACS Rejection Reason Code, if set
bacs_reference string or null The BACS Reference, if set
bank_account object Object containing the bank_account information, see below
card object Object containing the card information, see below
client object Object containing the client information, see below
collection_day string Set to either “1 – 28” or “last day”, this is not required on weekly collections
collection_period string Will be set to either monthly or weekly
collection_stretch interger This is the collection stretch of the period, for example setting the field “1” would be every cycle of the collection_period
created_at datetime (ISO8601) Date and time the record was created
created_by object or null Object containing the created_by information, if set, see below
custom_reference string or null The Custom reference, if set
customer_account object or null Object containing Customer Account information, if set, see below
description string Description of the recurrence schedule
edited_at datetime (ISO8601) Date and time the record was edited
end_date date (YYYY-MM-DD) when the recurrence schedule ends, if set
event_id string The ID of the Event
event_source string The Source that triggered the event
event_type string This will be “recurrence_schedule.create” or “recurrence_schedule.update”
first_collection_amount interger First collection amount
first_collection_date date (YYYY-MM-DD) First collection date
id string The ID of the Record
installments string Number of payments that will be taken, if it’s a payment plan
legacy_id string or null Legacy ID of the record, if set
mandate object or null Object containing the mandate information, if set, see below
metadata string or null String used to store custom metadata, if set
next_collection_date date (YYYY-MM-DD) recurrence schedules next collection date
payment_type string The payment type of the Schedule
record_type string The record type of the Schedule
start_date date (YYYY-MM-DD) when the recurrence schedule started
status string The Status of the Schedule, see options below
total_value interger Total value to be collected, if it’s a payment plan
upcoming_payments Object or null List of upcoming payments, or null if inactive, see below
bank_account Object Fields
Property Format Description
id string ID of the record
legacy_id string or null Legacy ID of the record, if set
card Object Fields
Property Format Description
id string ID of the record
legacy_id string or null Legacy ID of the record, if set
client Object Fields
Property Format Description
id string ID of the record
created_by Object Fields
Property Format Description
id string ID of the record
customer_account Object Fields
Property Format Description
id string ID of the record
legacy_id string or null Legacy ID of the record, if set
mandate Object Fields
Property Format Description
auddis string The Mandate/AUDDIS Reference of the Mandate
id string The ID of the Record
upcoming_payments Object Fields
Property Format Description
collection_date date (YYYY-MM-DD) Date the payment will be collected
amount interger Amount that will be collected, in pence