Service Users

Click on the Service Users icon to see the Service Users section of the Administrator.

This section allows you to configure the various service users on whose behalf submissions will be transmitted to Bacs. Once you have added one or more service users, the view will contain a list of service users currently in the system, and provide the ability to add further service users or edit existing service user details, and details of their originating bank accounts.

Service user accounts must be set up by your bank before being added here. You must have at least one service user account set up in order to send payment files to Bacs. Please contact SmarterPay if you have reached the maximum number of service users allowed and you would like to add more service users to your licence.

Multiple service users may be set up to submit payment files to Bacs. If your organisation has multiple service user accounts, or if your organisation provides a bureau service, you will need to configure each service user before you send payment files on their behalf.


Available actions are:

Action Description
“Add” Button Click to Add A service User.
“Edit” Button Highlight a line and then click to Edit A Service User. Double clicking on a Service User will also Edit it.
“Delete” Button Highlight a line and then click to Delete A Service User.
“Export” Button Click to Export a CSV list of Service Users.