Bank Account

Bank Account records hold the bank details of a customer.

These records may be linked to a customer account record and may also be linked to several Direct Debit Mandates. SmarterPay will notify you via a webhook whenever the state of a bank account record changes

Method Purpose
POST Create a Bank Account
PUT Enable or Disable a Bank Account
DELETE Disable a Bank Account
GET (Singular) Retrieve Bank Account details
GET (List) Retrieve Bank Account details in a list


Action: Create a Bank Account.
Method: POST

Request Parameters

Property Mandatory Description
account_number True Must be 8 numbers with leading zeros, no spaces or hyphens
sort_code True Must be 6 numbers with leading zeros, no spaces or hyphens
account_name True Name of the account holder as known by the bank. This usually matches the name of the linked customer.
customer_account False Must be a valid customer account id or left blank.
custom_reference False Custom reference set on record
metadata False String for Custom metadata

Request Sample

   "account_name":"Test Name",

Response Parameters

Property Description
id Unique identifier beginning with assigned prefix followed by an autonumber
created_at Datetime formatted as ISO8601
account_number Bank account account number
sort_code Bank account sort code
account_name Bank account customer name
bank_name Name of the bank
customer_account Linked customer account
enabled True if an active account
custom_reference Custom reference set on record
metadata Returns optional, custom, metadata, if set

Response Sample

   "account_name":"Test Name",
   "bank_name":"BARCLAYS BANK PLC",


Action: Enable or Disabled a Bank Account.
Method: PUT

{ID} denotes ID of record.

Request Parameters

Property Mandatory Description
enabled True “true” to enable, “false” to disable the Bank Account

Request Sample


Response Parameters

Property Description
id Unique identifier beginning with assigned prefix followed by an autonumber
created_at Datetime formatted as ISO8601
account_number Bank account account number
sort_code Bank account sort code
account_name Bank account customer name
bank_name Name of the bank
customer_account Linked customer account
enabled True if an active account
custom_reference Custom reference set on record
metadata Returns optional, custom, metadata, if set

Response Sample

   "account_name":"Test Name",
   "bank_name":"BARCLAYS BANK PLC",


Action: Disable a Bank Account.
Method: DELETE

{ID} denotes ID of record.

Response Parameters

Property Description
id Unique identifier beginning with assigned prefix followed by an autonumber
created_at Datetime formatted as ISO8601
account_number Bank account account number
sort_code Bank account sort code
enabled True if an active account
bank_name Name of the bank
customer_account Linked customer account
custom_referenceCustom reference set on record
metadata Returns optional, custom, metadata, if set

Response Sample

   "account_name":"Test Name",
   "bank_name":"BARCLAYS BANK PLC",

GET (Singular)

Action: Retrieve Bank Account details.
Method: GET

{ID} denotes ID of record.

Response Parameters

Property Description
id Unique identifier beginning with assigned prefix followed by an autonumber
created_at Datetime formatted as ISO8601
account_number Bank account account number
sort_code Bank account sort code
account_name Bank account customer name
bank_name Name of the bank
customer_account Linked customer account
enabled True if an active account
custom_reference Custom reference set on record
metadata Returns optional, custom, metadata, if set

Response Sample

   "account_name":"Test Name",
   "bank_name":"BARCLAYS BANK PLC",

GET (List)

Action: Retrieve Bank Account details in a list.
Method: GET

Optional Parameters and filters are available, please see below.

Response Parameters

Property Description
id Unique identifier beginning with assigned prefix followed by an autonumber
created_at Datetime formatted as ISO8601
account_number Bank account account number
sort_code Bank account sort code
account_name Bank account customer name
bank_name Name of the bank
customer_account Linked customer account
enabled True if an active account
custom_reference Custom reference set on record
metadata Returns optional, custom, metadata, if set

Response Sample

    "bank_accounts": [
            "Id": "FTBACC02888560",
            "account_name": "Chris Bell",
            "account_number": "31510604",
            "bank_name": "BANK OF ENGLAND",
            "created_at": "2022-05-12T11:19:49Z",
            "custom_reference": "API POST Test",
            "customer_account": "",
            "enabled": true,
            "sort_code": "100000",
            "Id": "FTBACC02888561",
            "account_name": "Chris Brooke",
            "account_number": "29823529",
            "bank_name": "BANK OF IRELAND (UK) PLC",
            "created_at": "2022-05-12T11:19:50Z",
            "custom_reference": "API POST Test",
            "customer_account": "",
            "enabled": true,
            "sort_code": "902127",

Optional Parameters and filters
Optional parameters can be added to the GET URL by using a “?” in front of the first parameter and “&” in front of subsequent parameters, for example

Parameter Description
limit Limits the number of records returned by the request. Default=40 when not specified. Minimum=1. Maximum=500.
page_no Specifies which page of records are returned by the request. Default=1 when not specified.
sort_field specifies which field to sort on. Options are: “custom_reference”,“sort_code”,“account_number”,“id”,“account_name”,“created_at” (Default when not specified),“customer_id”
sort_order Specifies which order to sort on. Options are asc (ascending. Default when not specified) or desc (descending).
Filter Description
account_name Filter the list using the account_name. Matches will contain the provided value.
account_number Filter the list using the account_number. Matches will contain the provided value.
created_from Filter the list with records created after the datetime supplied. Format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (2022-05-13 10:15:00).
created_to Filter the list with records created before the datetime supplied. Format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (2022-05-13 10:15:00).
customer_id Filter the list using the customer_id. Matches will exactly match the provided value.
custom_reference Filter the list using the custom_reference. Matches will contain the provided value.
id Filter the list using the id. Matches will exactly match the provided value.
sort_code Filter the list using the custom_reference. Matches will contain the provided value.
enabled Filter the list using the status of the record. Can be a comma seperated list of required values. Options are “true”,“false”.