Register Transaction

Before a transaction can be completed on the front-end it must be registered with SmarterPay and the Payment Gateway. This includes things like the type of transaction, the amount and currency it will be made under. Importantly it will also inform SmarterPay which Payment Gateway Profile will be used for the transaction. Each transaction type has a MOTO or Ecommerce equivalent depending on where the transaction is taking place.

SmarterPay will respond with a set of information that must be passed to SmarterPay.js when initialising the front-end card terminal.

Method Purpose
POST Register a new card payment


Action: Create a new card payment transaction.
Method: POST

Request Parameters

Property Mandatory Description
payment_gateway_profile_id True The Id of the Payment Gateway Profile that this transaction should take place under.
payment_type True The type of transaction that is being registered. Valid values are 'MOTO','Ecommerce','DeferredMOTO','DeferredEcommerce','AuthenticateMOTO','AuthenticateEcommerce'.
platform True Always set to 'SmarterPayCloud'.
customer_id True The Id of the Customer Account that this transaction will be related to.
amount True Amount of the transaction in the lowest denomination of the currency. No decimal places. For example, send pence if a GBP transaction.
currency_code True ISO 4217 representation of the currency the transaction should take place in.
internal_payment_description False A long description of the transaction for internal use only. Not seen by the customer.
gateway_payment_description False A long description of the transaction that will be forwarded to the Payment Gateway. Depending on the Payment Gateway, this may or may not be seen by the customer.
custom_reference False Custom reference set on record.
metadata False Any additional data attached to the transaction. Recommendation to use key/value pairs or simple JSON structures. This will be sent out in any active Webhooks so can be used to tie information back to source records in another platform.
use_card_address False Set to True if the Card Holder Address is different to the one set on the Customer Account. Default is False.
card_holder_address_line1 False
card_holder_address_line2 False
card_holder_address_city False
card_holder_address_postal_code False
card_holder_address_state_code False 2 character US state code. Mandatory if country_code set to “US”.
card_holder_address_country_code False 2 character Country Code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).

Request Sample

    "payment_gateway_profile_id": "PG01KO5D0G80MJERW4VQ",
    "platform": "SmarterPayCloud",
    "payment_type": "MOTO",
    "customer_id": "CA01LYZ96J12X48NEWDV",
    "amount": 200,
    "currency_code": "GBP",
    "internal_payment_description":"Payment for something",  
    "gateway_payment_description":"Payment for something sent to the gateway",
    "custom_reference":"MYREFERENCE0001" ,
    "metadata": "{\"key1\": \"value1\", \"key2\": \"value2\"}",
    "use_card_address": true,
    "card_holder_address_line1":"Address Line 1",
    "card_holder_address_line2":"Address Line 2",
    "card_holder_address_postal_code":"XX00 ZZZ",

Response Parameters

Property Description
card_id The ID of the new registered card.
customer_id The ID of the customer account that the card is related to.
platform The platform that the transaction took place on. Always 'SmarterPayCloud'.
payment_type The type of transaction requested.
payment_gateway Confirmation of the Payment Gateway that the transaction is registered under.
payment_gateway_data Configuration data to be sent during initialisation of SmarterPay.js on the front-end.

Response Sample

    "card_id": "CD01MQ0KN8XMV7POXZG7",
    "customer_id": "CA01LYZ96J12X48NEWDV",
    "platform": "SmarterPayCloud",
    "payment_type": "MOTO",
    "payment_gateway": "OpayoPi",
    "payment_gateway_data": "eyJwbGF0Zm9ybSI6IlNtYXJ0ZXJQYXlDbG91ZCIsInBheW1lbnRfZ2F0ZXdheSI6IkFkeWVuIiwiY2FyZF9pZCI6IkNEMDFNUTBLTjhYTVY3UE9YWkc3IiwiaXNfdGVzdCI6dHJ1ZSwiY29tcGxldGVfZW5kcG9pbnQiOiJodHRwczovL3Rlc3QxLnNtYXJ0ZXJwYXkuY29tL0Rldi9TbWFydGVyUGF5Q2FyZFBheW1lbnRTZXJ2aWNlL2FwaS9UcmFuc2FjdGlvbiIsInBheW1lbnRfZ2F0ZXdheV9kYXRhIjoidGVzdF9FV1dFSExaRFpSRlhUSUFZVVpRWkFTVUJZUU9YTzJUTCJ9"