Common Responses for the object.
Response Parameters
Property | Description |
id | Unique identifier for the record. |
name | Meaningful name given to the record. |
template | Page template set. |
company_name | Company name set. |
address_line_1 | Company address line 1 set. |
address_line_2 | Company address line 2 set. |
postcode | Company postcode set. |
city | Company city set. |
phone | Company phone number set. |
Company address line 1 set. | |
terms_and_conditions_url | Company terms and conditions url, if set. |
styling_css | CSS Styling set |
logo_filename | Name of the file Uploaded. |
Response Sample
{ "branding": { "id": "EB029O6DZMJNEJK325LQ", "name": "Mike Test - 02", "template": "Minimal", "company_name": "SmarterPay Limited", "address_line_1": "Utility House 32,", "address_line_2": "", "postcode": "HU2 8PX", "city": "", "phone": "01482 240118", "email": "", "terms_and_conditions_url": "", "styling_css": "{\"header_background_colour\":\"#525251\",\"body_background_colour\":\"#f3f6f4\",\"footer_background_colour\":\"#525251\",\"footer_text_colour\":\"#ffffff\",\"button_colour\":\"#00a79d\",\"button_text_colour\":\"#ffffff\",\"button_hover_colour\":\"#007069\",\"button_hovor_text_colour\":\"#ffffff\",\"button_border_colour\":\"#ffffff\",\"footer_text\":\"SmarterPay Limited\"}", "logo_filename": "SmarterPay-Cloud-Logo.png" } }