Edit View



Field Mandatory Type Description
Mandate Form Logo Url Yes Text Box Link to the Logo to be used in the Unsigned Mandate Form.
Logo Url Yes Text Box Link to the Logo to be used in the E-Commerce Wizard.
Company Name Yes Text Box Company name to be used in the Unsigned Mandate Form. Maximum 35 characters.
Address Line 1 Yes Text Box Address Line 1 to be used in the Unsigned Mandate Form. Maximum 35 characters.
Address Line 2 No Text Box Address Line 2 to be used in the Unsigned Mandate Form. Maximum 35 characters.
Address Line 3 No Text Box Address Line 3 to be used in the Unsigned Mandate Form. Maximum 35 characters.
Postcode Yes Text Box Postcode to be used in the Unsigned Mandate Form. Maximum 12 characters.
Phone Yes Text Box Phone number to be used in the Unsigned Mandate Form.
Email Yes Text Box Email address to be used in the Unsigned Mandate Form.


Available actions, subject to permissions, are:

Action Description
“SAVE” Button Saves the record.



Field Mandatory Type Description
Header Colour N/A Color A mouse hover, on the color box, will show which area is affected by this setting. Clicking the colour box opens a colour picker.
Header Text Colour N/A Color A mouse hover, on the color box, will show which area is affected by this setting. Clicking the colour box opens a colour picker.
Background Colour N/A Color A mouse hover, on the color box, will show which area is affected by this setting. Clicking the colour box opens a colour picker.
Text Colour N/A Color A mouse hover, on the color box, will show which area is affected by this setting. Clicking the colour box opens a colour picker.
Button Colour N/A Color A mouse hover, on the color box, will show which area is affected by this setting. Clicking the colour box opens a colour picker.
Button Text Colour N/A Color A mouse hover, on the color box, will show which area is affected by this setting. Clicking the colour box opens a colour picker.
Button Border Colour N/A Color A mouse hover, on the color box, will show which area is affected by this setting. Clicking the colour box opens a colour picker.
Button Mouse Over Colour N/A Color A mouse hover, on the color box, will show which area is affected by this setting. Clicking the colour box opens a colour picker.
Button Mouse Over Text Colour N/A Color A mouse hover, on the color box, will show which area is affected by this setting. Clicking the colour box opens a colour picker.
Step Number Colour N/A Color A mouse hover, on the color box, will show which area is affected by this setting. Clicking the colour box opens a colour picker.
Step Number Sub Text Colour N/A Color A mouse hover, on the color box, will show which area is affected by this setting. Clicking the colour box opens a colour picker.
Active Step Number Colour N/A Color A mouse hover, on the color box, will show which area is affected by this setting. Clicking the colour box opens a colour picker.
Active Step Number Text Colour N/A Color A mouse hover, on the color box, will show which area is affected by this setting. Clicking the colour box opens a colour picker.
Footer Background Colour N/A Color A mouse hover, on the color box, will show which area is affected by this setting. Clicking the colour box opens a colour picker.
Footer Text Colour N/A Color A mouse hover, on the color box, will show which area is affected by this setting. Clicking the colour box opens a colour picker.


Available actions, subject to permissions, are:

Action Description
“SAVE” Button Saves the record.