INPUT P - The originating account is valid (and therefore was not substituted) but the originating account does not support the currency of the file (customer originated)


The originating account is valid (and therefore was not substituted) but the originating account does not support the currency of the file (customer originated)


Please see the settings in the custom profile for actions.
Please see the Webhook Subscription for which Webhooks will be sent out for the customised actions.

Object Action Webhook Subscription Criteria
Bank Account The Bank Account Will be disabled. “DDMS Service” “Edit” on the Bank Account object.
Mandate The Mandate will be cancelled. “DDMS Service” “Edit” on the Mandate object.
Recurrence Schedule Any Recurrence Schedules related to the Mandate will be disabled. “DDMS Service” “Edit” on Scheduled Payment object.
Payment - Submitted The Payment that triggered the Input report will be failed. “DDMS Service” “Edit” on the Payment object.
Payment - Pending Any unsubmitted Payments related to the Mandate will be cancelled. “DDMS Service” “Edit” on the Payment object.
Credit - Submitted The Credit that triggered the Input report will be failed. “DDMS Service” “Edit” on the Credit object.
Credit - Pending Any unsubmitted Credits related to the Bank Account will be cancelled. “DDMS Service” “Edit” on the Credit object.

Note: The exact number and type of Webhooks will depend on the record that triggered the input report and what is linked to it.

System Webhooks

Bank Account


Bank Account Webhook - Structure

The fields that have been updated for this webhook are:

Field Sample Value
description bank account is disabled
enabled false
bacs_reason_code INPUTP
bacs_description The originating account is valid but the originating account does not support the currency of the file
bacs_reference 2022080301S102184102
bacs_filename ReftInput020822080046.xml
    "id" : {EVENTID},  
    "bank_account" : {BANKACCOUNT},  
    "created_at" : {CREATEDDATE}, 
    "resource_type": {BANKACCOUNT},
    "description" : {DESCRIPTION},  
    "event_source": {EVENTSOURCE},
    "account_number" : {ACCOUNTNUMBER},  
    "sort_code" : {SORTCODE},  
    "account_name" : {ACCOUNTNAME},  
    "currency" : {CURRENCY},  
    "enabled" : {ENABLED},  
    "bank_name" : {BANKNAME},  
    "customer_account" : {CUSTOMERACCOUNT},  
    "bacs_reason_code" : {BACSCODE},  
    "bacs_description" : {BACSDESCRIPTION},  
    "bacs_reference" : {BACSREFERENCE},  
    "bacs_filename" : {BACSFILENAME},  
    "custom_reference" : {CUSTOMREFERENCE}


Bank Account Event - Structure

The fields that have been updated for this webhook are:

Field Sample Value
event_type “bank_account.update”
event_source “DDMS service”
enabled false
bacs_reason_code “INPUTP”
bacs_description “The originating account is valid but the originating account does not support the currency of the file”
bacs_reference “2022080301S102184102”
bacs_filename “ReftInput020822080046.xml”

Note: Property display order for documentation purposes, actual order may vary.



Mandate Webhook - Structure

The fields that have been updated for this webhook are:

Field Sample Value
description mandate is no longer available for collections
status cancelled by payer
bacs_reason_code INPUTP
bacs_description The originating account is valid but the originating account does not support the currency of the file
bacs_reference 2022080301S102184102
bacs_filename ReftInput020822080046.xml
    "id" : {EVENTID},  
    "created_at" : {CREATEDDATE}, 
    "resource_type": {RESOURCETYPE},  
    "event_source" : {EVENTSOURCE},
    "customer_account" : {CUSTOMERACCOUNT},  
    "AUDDIS" : {AUDDIS},  
    "status" : {STATUS},  
    "description" : {DESCRIPTION},  
    "bacs_reason_code" : {BACSCODE},  
    "bacs_description" : {BACSDESCRIPTION},
    "bacs_reference" : {BACSREFERENCE},
    "bacs_filename" : {BACSFILENAME},
    "reference": {REFERENCE}


Mandate Event - Structure

The fields that have been updated for this webhook are:

Field Sample Value
event_type “mandate.update”
event_source “DDMS service”
status “cancelled by payer”
bacs_reason_code “INPUTP”
bacs_description “The originating account is valid but the originating account does not support the currency of the file”
bacs_reference “XYZ0012345-0012345”
bacs_filename “ReftInput020822080046.xml”
            "account_validation": [
                    "id": {VALUE},
                    "account_name_match": {VALUE},
                    "validation_performed": {VALUE},
                    "validation_link": {VALUE},
                    "created_at": {VALUE},
                    "edited_at": {VALUE}

Note: Property display order for documentation purposes, actual order may vary.

Recurrence Schedule


Recurrence Schedule Webhook - Structure

The fields that have been updated for this webhook are:

Field Sample Value
description recurrence schedule cancelled
status inactive
bacs_reason_code INPUTP
bacs_description The originating account is valid but the originating account does not support the currency of the file
bacs_reference 2022080301S102184102
bacs_filename ReftInput020822080046.xml
   "id" : {EVENTID},
   "created_at" : {CREATEDDATE},
   "resource_type": {RESOURCETYPE},
   "event_source" : {EVENTSOURCE},
   "reference" : {REFERENCE},
   "auddis" : {AUDDIS} ,
   "status" : {STATUS},
   "description" : {DESCRIPTION},
   "bacs_reason_code" : {BACSCODE},
   "bacs_description" : {BACSDESCRIPTION},
   "bacs_reference" : {BACSREFERENCE},
   "bacs_filename" : {BACSFILENAME}


Recurrence Schedule Event - Structure

The fields that have been updated for this webhook are:

Field Sample Value
event_type “recurrence_schedule.update”
event_source “DDMS service”
status “inactive”
upcoming_payments null
bacs_reason_code “INPUTP”
bacs_description “The originating account is valid but the originating account does not support the currency of the file”
bacs_reference “XYZ0012345-0012345”
bacs_filename “ReftInput020822080046.xml”

Note: Property display order for documentation purposes, actual order may vary.



Payment Webhook - Structure

The fields that have been updated for this webhook are:

Submitted Payment that triggered the Input Report
Field Sample Value
description payment failed
status failed
bacs_reason_code INPUTP
bacs_description The originating account is valid but the originating account does not support the currency of the file
bacs_reference 2022080301S102184102
bacs_filename ReftInput020822080046.xml
Future Pending Payments
Field Sample Value
description payment cancelled
status cancelled
bacs_reason_code INPUTP
bacs_description The originating account is valid but the originating account does not support the currency of the file
bacs_reference 2022080301S102184102
bacs_filename ReftInput020822080046.xml
   "id" : {EVENTID},
   "created_at" : {CREATEDDATE},
   "resource_type": {RESOURCETYPE},
   "reference" : {REFERENCE},
   "status" : {STATUS},
   "description" : {DESCRIPTION},
   "event_source": {EVENTSOURCE},
   "bacs_reason_code" : {BACSCODE},
   "bacs_description" : {BACSDESCRIPTION},
   "collection_date": {COLLECTIONDATE},
   "amount": {AMOUNT},
   "debit_date": {DEBITDATE} ,
   "bacs_reference" : {BACSREFERENCE},
   "bacs_filename" : {BACSFILENAME},
   "record_type" : {RECORDTYPE},
   "custom_reference" : {CUSTOMREFERENCE},
   "customer_account" : {CUSTOMERACCOUNT},
   "card_id" : {CARDID},
   "payment_type" : {PAYMENTTYPE},
   "status_details" : {STATUSDETAILS},
   "status_code" : {STATUSCODE},
   "currency_code" : {CURRENCYCODE},
   "internal_payment_description" : {INTERNALPAYMENTDESCRIPTION},
   "gateway_payment_description" : {GATEWAYPAYMENTDESCRIPTION},
   "authorisation_code" : {AUTHORISATIONCODE},
   "transaction_id" : {TRANSACTIONID},
   "order_id" : {ORDERID},
   "charge_id" : {CHARGEID},
   "metadata" : {METADATA},
   "gateway_status" : {GATEWAYSTATUS},
   "gateway_status_code" : {GATEWAYSTATUSCODE},
   "gateway_status_details" : {GATEWAYSTATUSDETAILS},
   "related_payment_id" : {RELATEDPAYMENTID},
   "reference": {REFERENCE}


Direct Debit Payment Event - Structure

The fields that have been updated for this webhook are:

Submitted Payment that triggered the Input Report
Field Sample Value
event_type “payment.update”
event_source “DDMS service”
status “failed”
bacs_reason_code “INPUTP”
bacs_description “The originating account is valid but the originating account does not support the currency of the file”
bacs_reference “XYZ0012345-0012345”
bacs_filename “ReftInput020822080046.xml”
Future Pending Payments
Field Sample Value
event_type “payment.update”
event_source “DDMS service”
status “cancelled”
bacs_reason_code “INPUTP”
bacs_description “The originating account is valid but the originating account does not support the currency of the file”
bacs_reference “XYZ0012345-0012345”
bacs_filename “ReftInput020822080046.xml”

Note: Property display order for documentation purposes, actual order may vary.



Credit Webhook - Structure

The fields that have been updated for this webhook are:

Submitted Credit that triggered the Input Report
Field Sample Value
description credit failed
status failed
bacs_reason_code INPUTP
bacs_description The originating account is valid but the originating account does not support the currency of the file
bacs_reference 2022080301S102184102
bacs_filename ReftInput020822080046.xml
Future Pending Credits
Field Sample Value
description credit cancelled
status cancelled
bacs_reason_code INPUTP
bacs_description The originating account is valid but the originating account does not support the currency of the file
bacs_reference 2022080301S102184102
bacs_filename ReftInput020822080046.xml
    "id" : {EVENTID} ,
    "created_at" : {CREATEDDATE},
    "resource_type": {RESOURCETYPE},
    "event_source" : {EVENTSOURCE},
    "reference" : {REFERENCE},
    "status" : {STATUS},
    "description" : {DESCRIPTION},
    "bacs_reason_code" : {BACSCODE},
    "bacs_description" : {BACSDESCRIPTION},
    "bacs_reference" : {BACSREFERENCE},
    "bacs_filename" : {BACSFILENAME},
    "custom_reference" : {CUSTOMREFERENCE}


Credit Event - Structure

The fields that have been updated for this webhook are:

Submitted Credit that triggered the Input Report
Field Sample Value
event_type “credit.update”
event_source “DDMS service”
status “failed”
bacs_reason_code “INPUTP”
bacs_description “The originating account is valid but the originating account does not support the currency of the file”
bacs_reference “XYZ0012345-0012345”
bacs_filename “Addacs020419111111”
Future Pending Credits
Field Sample Value
event_type “credit.update”
event_source “DDMS service”
status “cancelled”
bacs_reason_code “INPUTP”
bacs_description “The originating account is valid but the originating account does not support the currency of the file”
bacs_reference “XYZ0012345-0012345”
bacs_filename “Addacs020419111111”
   "client": {
             "account_name": {VALUE},
             "account_number": {VALUE},
             "sort_code": {VALUE},
             "bank_name": {VALUE}

Note: Property display order for documentation purposes, actual order may vary.