Show pageBack to top Sitemap This is a sitemap over all available pages ordered by namespaces. bacsfaqs iconnect salesforce smarterpaycloud api common faq guides portal releases services settings webhookapi bacscodes addacs arucs arudd auddis AUDDIS 1 - Instruction Cancelled By Payer AUDDIS 2 - Payer Deceased AUDDIS 3 - Account Transferred AUDDIS 5 - No Account AUDDIS 6 - No Instruction AUDDIS B - Account Closed AUDDIS C - Account transferred to a different branch of bank/building society AUDDIS F - Invalid account type AUDDIS G - Bank will not accept Direct Debits on account AUDDIS H - Instruction has expired AUDDIS I - Payer Reference is not unique AUDDIS K - Instruction cancelled by bank AUDDIS L - Incorrect payers account details AUDDIS M - Transaction code/User status Incompatible AUDDIS N - Transaction disallowed at payers branch AUDDIS O - Invalid Reference AUDDIS P - Payers name not present AUDDIS Q - Service user name is blank awacs ddica inputreports ADDACS ARUCS ARUDD AUDDIS AWACS DDICA Default Bacs Rejection Processing Input Reports BACS Codes webhooks API Common SmarterPay Cloud FAQs Glossary of Terms SmarterPay Cloud User Guides Multi-Factor Authentication Portal Release Notes SmarterPay Cloud Services Settings SmarterPay Cloud SmarterPay Cloud Webhooks System Webhooks smarterpayonpremise wiki Bacs FAQs iConnect Products & Services SmarterPay Cloud SmarterPay On-Premise Welcome to the SmarterPay WIKI