Release Notes
SmarterPay Cloud is continuously being developed and patched. Release notes shown in this section highlight the major additions, or changes, that would be of interest to our customers.
19th February 2025
Bacs Core References Added
SmarterPay have added Bacs core reference functionality to SmarterPay Cloud and SmarterPay Cloud API.
Core references can be used to more acurately match Direct Debit payments with a Direct Debit Instruction (DDI or Mandate).
The way this works is as follows:
- A new Mandate is created with a unique core reference, for example “MA10867326”.
- All payments that are created for the Mandate contain the core reference, plus a payment reference, for example “MA108673260001” for the first payment, “MA108673260002” for the second payment, and so on.
Changes, in SmarterPay Cloud, for this new feature, are:
- AUDDIS references cannot contain lowercase alpha characters. Valid characters: A-Z, 0-9, “/”, “-”, “.”, “&”, “ ”.
- Core reference validation added to Mandate creation, when core reference is enabled on client.
- “mandate” and “users_reference” properties added to Direct Debit creation.
- Portal
- Core reference validation added to Mandate creation, when core reference is enabled on client.
- Creation using the Portal.
- Creation using the Payment Wizard.
- Creation of the Ecommerce Link.
- “Users Reference” field added to Direct Debit Payments.
- Webhooks
- “users_reference” property added to the V2 Direct Debit Payment webhook.
Cancelled Payment Functionality Change
Direct Debit payments, when cancelled, will now no longer have their amount set to 0.