Release Notes

SmarterPay Cloud is continuously being developed and patched. Release notes shown in this section highlight the major additions, or changes, that would be of interest to our customers.

SmarterPay Cloud API now handles OAuth 2.0 for securing API requests.

OAuth 2.0 is considered more secure than API keys as it can separate the authentication process from the access to the resource, which limits the exposure of the credentials.

Changes, in SmarterPay Cloud and SmarterPay Cloud API, for this new feature, are:

  • API
    • Handling of OAuth authentication added to API requests. More information, and setup flows, can be found Here.
  • Portal

SmarterPay has added the ability to update payment schedules to have a £0 value “future payment”. This can be useful to see an upcoming “payment break” in either an ongoing schedule or a payment plan.

Changes, in SmarterPay Cloud and SmarterPay Cloud API, for this new feature, are:

  • Last modified: 2024/07/17 11:10