Direct Debits (Billings)

The Billing record in Accounting Seed can be created in several ways; insertion through the interface, conversion of an opportunity, via the API etc. Regardless of source the Billing will be connected via a lookup field to the Mandate record which is intended to collect the money owed.

The Mandate Record connected to the Billing will then be driven, in terms of collection amounts and collection dates, by the Recurrence Schedule that is set up for the Billing. This Recurrence Schedule, and the direct debit lookup, is configured through a 'Direct Debit Scheduler' component which can be accessed via the Billing record screen.

The 'Direct Debit Scheduler' is used to configure when collections are made, how many are going to be made, and how much each collection should be for. This is in the form of a Screen Flow Wizard. A Recurrence Schedule is created based off the settings chosen.

The Recurrence Schedule links to Payment Records (lookup). The values of the status are 'Pending Submission', 'Submitted' and 'Failed'.

To begin collecting Direct Debits against Accounting Seed Billings you first need to set up a Direct Debit Mandate. To do this a Bank Account record and a Mandate record must be created. These are both Salesforce objects from the SmarterPay for Salesforce base package and can be created through a variety of sources, such as the standard Salesforce UI, Experience Sites or API. The steps below show these records being created using the Salesforce user interface and the SmarterPay App.

  • Last modified: 2024/04/29 12:06