Editing A Record


Field Mandatory Type Description
Name Yes Text Box Customer Name for the Bank Account.
Sort code N/A Readonly Sort Code cannot be changed.
Account N/A Readonly Account Number cannot be changed.
Custom Reference No Text Box Optional reference for the Customer Bank Account.
Allow Debits Yes Dropdown Allow Debits to be taken from the Account. Options are “True”, “False”. Note: Only available when user has “Override Allowed Debits and Credits” permission.
Allow Credits Yes Dropdown Allow Credits to be taken from the Account. Options are “True”, “False”. Note: Only available when user has “Override Allowed Debits and Credits” permission.


  • The “Allow Debits” and “Allow Credits” overrides can only be used to disable a payment type that modulus check reports is allowed on the Bank Account.
  • Using the “Allow Debits” and “Allow Credits” overrides on an existing record may update/cancel associated records, so a confirmation dialogue is displayed when changing either of them to “False”, and clicking “SAVE”.

“Allow Debits” confirmation dialogue box

“Allow Credits” confirmation dialogue box

  • Using the “Allow Credits” override, when Credit Anti-Fraud is enabled, to set the value to “True” will display a confirmation dialogue when clicking “SAVE”


Available actions, subject to permissions, are:

Action Description
“SAVE” Button Saves the changes and displays the Detail View.
“CANCEL” Button Ignores the changes and displays the Detail View.
  • Last modified: 2024/11/07 10:21