Edit View

Field Mandatory Type Description
Name Yes Text Box Name given to the Subscription for ease of identification.
SMTP Host Yes Text Box Email server host name or IP address. Port can be added using “:” followed by the port number, for example “”
SMTP Username Yes Text Box Username needed to log in to the Email server.
SMTP Password Yes Text Box Password needed to log into the Email server.
SMTP From Address Yes Text Box Email address used as for the from/reply address.
SMTP Rate Limit Yes Text Box Number of emails allowed per hour for this subscription. Emails will be delayed an hour after reaching this limit.
Company Details Branding N/A Dropdown By default SmarterPay branding will be used for emails sent using the subscription. Custom details can be sent by setting up Ecommerce Branding and then selected here.

By default all Events, selected or not, are shown in the edit view. This list can be filtered by entering text into the “Search” box, at the top of the events list.

For example, entering “mandate” will only display events that contain mandate

For every Event that is selected, where the email is sent, and the template it uses needs to be set.

The first selection is where to send the email, Internal and/or External.

  • Internal uses the Profile selected.
  • External uses the email address set on the Customer record associated with the trigger.

The second selection is which profile to use for Internal emails.

The third selection is which Email Template to use for the emails.

Events available for selection are:

Event Description Notes
account_validation.create Occurs when an account validation has been created
mandate.create.new_instruction Occurs when a mandate is inserted as new instruction
mandate.create.on_hold Occurs when a mandate is inserted as on hold
mandate.update.cancelled_by_originator Occurs when a mandate is cancelled
mandate.update.new_instruction Occurs when a mandate is updated to new instruction
mandate.update.on_hold Occurs when a mandate is updated to on hold
payment.create.card_payment.failed Occurs when a card payment is inserted
payment.create.card_payment.refund Occurs when a card payment has been refunded
payment.create.card_payment.successful Occurs when a card payment is inserted
payment.create.direct_debit Occurs when a payment is created
payment.update.card_payment.failed Occurs when a card payment has failed
payment.update.card_payment.successful Occurs when a card payment has been successful
payment.update.direct_debit.failed Occurs when a payment is updated to failed
payment.update.direct_debit.successful Occurs when a payment is updated to successful
payment_link.create Occurs when a payment link has been created
recurrence_schedule.create.card_payment Occurs when a Card recurrence schedule has been created
recurrence_schedule.create.directdebit Occurs when a Direct Debit recurrence schedule has been created
recurrence_schedule.update.card_payment.cancelled Occurs when a Card recurrence schedule has been cancelled
recurrence_schedule.update.directdebit.cancelled Occurs when a Direct Debit recurrence schedule has been cancelled
recurrence_schedule.update.card_payment.schedule_update Occurs when a Card recurrence schedule upcoming payments has been updated, this will only trigger from Portal and API actions
recurrence_schedule.update.directdebit.schedule_update Occurs when a Direct Debit recurrence schedule upcoming payments has been updated, this will only trigger from Portal and API actions
  • Last modified: 2025/01/20 14:52