Create / Edit View


Field Mandatory Type Description
Email Yes Text Box Email address of the User. This is used to send out password reset, and other notification emails from withing the system.
Username Yes Text Box Username of the User. This is used to log into SmarterPay Cloud. Must be unique in the system.
Alias Yes Text Box This is a friendly name for the User. It is displayed on the right of the top bar.
Profile Yes Dropdown Select the required Profile to determine the users access and permissions within SmarterPay Cloud.
Send Password Setup Email? No Checkbox Only visible on creation of a User. If selected will send out an email to the users for them to set their password.


Available actions, subject to permissions, are:

Action Description
“SAVE CHANGES” Button Saves a new record and redirects to it's Detail page.
“CANCEL” Button Ignores any changes and returns to either the List page or the Detail page.
  • Last modified: 2021/03/15 16:25