
Note: Property display order for documentation purposes, actual order may vary.

Event Fields
Property Format Description
account_name string The Account Name of the customer
account_number string Account Number, comprising of 8 numbers*
bacs_description string or null The BACS Rejection Description, if set
bacs_reason_code string or null The BACS Rejection Reason Code, if set
bacs_reference string or null The BACS Rejection Reference, if set
bacs_filename string or null The BACS Rejection File Name, if set
bank_name string The name of the bank
client object Object containing the client information, see below
created_at datetime (ISO8601) Date and time the record was created
created_by object or null Object containing the created_by information, if set, see below
credits_allowed boolean “true” if Credits allowed, or “false” if not allowed, from the Bank Account
currency_code string (ISO4217) ISO 4217 representation of the currency of the Bank Account
custom_reference string or null The Custom reference, if set
customer_account object or null Object containing Customer Account information, if set, see below
debits_allowed boolean “true” if Debits allowed, or “false” if not allowed, from the Bank Account
edited_at datetime (ISO8601) Date and time the record was edited
edited_by object or null Object containing the edited_by information, if set, see below
enabled boolean If the account is enabled or disabled, see options below
event_id string The ID of the Event
event_source string The Source that triggered the event
event_type string This will be “bank_account.create” or “bank_account.update”
id string The ID of the Record
legacy_id string or null Legacy ID of the record, if set
metadata string or null String used to store custom metadata, if set
modulus_check object Object containing the modulus check information, see below
sort_code string Sort Code comprising of 6 numbers*
client Object Fields
Property Format Description
id string ID of the record
created_by Object Fields
Property Format Description
id string ID of the record
customer_account Object Fields
Property Format Description
id string ID of the record
legacy_id string or null Legacy ID of the record, if set
edited_by Object Fields
Property Format Description
id string ID of the record
modulus_check Object Fields
Property Format Description
AccountNumber string Account number
AccountCodeOK boolean Is the account number ok
BankName string Name of the bank
BranchAddress1 string Address line one for bank
BranchAddress2 string Address line two for bank
BranchAddress3 string Address line three for bank
BranchAddress4 string Address line four for bank
BranchAddressTown string Address line town
BranchAddressPostCode string Address line Post Code
BranchTitle string Branch title
CreditsAllowedOK boolean Does the account allow direct credits
DirectDebitsOK boolean Does the account allow direct debits
DirectDebitInstructionOK boolean true if direct debit instruction is ok
SortCode string Sort code
SortCodeOK boolean Is the sort code ok
TelephoneNumber string Bank's phone number
  • Last modified: 2024/11/04 15:59