
Note: Property display order for documentation purposes, actual order may vary.

Event Fields
Property Format Description
billing_address_line_1 string First Line of the Billing Address
billing_address_line_2 string or null Second Line of the Billing Address, if set
billing_city string The Billing Address City
billing_country_code string (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) The Billing Address Country Code
billing_postal_code string The Billing Address Post Code
billing_state string The Billing State
client object Object containing the client information, see below
company_name string or null The Company name of the Customer, if set
created_at datetime (ISO8601) Date and time the record was created
created_by object or null Object containing the created_by information, if set, see below
custom_reference string or null The Custom reference
delivery_address_line_1 string or null First Line of the Delivery Address, if set
delivery_address_line_2 string or null Second Line of the Delivery Address, if set
delivery_city string or null The Delivery Address City, if set
delivery_country_code string (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) The Delivery Address Country Code, if set
delivery_postal_code string or null The Delivery Address Post Code, if set
delivery_state string or null The Delivery State, if set
edited_at datetime (ISO8601) Date and time the record was edited
edited_by object or null Object containing the edited_by information, if set, see below
email string The Email Address of the Customer
event_id string The ID of the Event
event_source string The Source that triggered the event
event_type string This will be “customer_account.create” or “customer_account.update”
first_name string The First Name of the Customer
gift_aid boolean If the customer has signed up for Gift Aid. Options are: true, false
id string The ID of the Record
last_name string The Last Name of the Customer
legacy_id string Legacy ID of the record, if set
metadata string or null String used to store custom metadata, if set
status string The Status of the Customer Account, see options below
title string or null Title for the Customer Name, if set
client Object Fields
Property Format Description
id string ID of the record
created_by Object Fields
Property Format Description
id string ID of the record
edited_by Object Fields
Property Format Description
id string ID of the record
  • Last modified: 2024/11/19 11:54