Release Notes - 2023

Various improvements have been made to the SmarterPay AIS service.

  • API
    • POST added for Account Validation records
    • Properties added to the Account Validation GET response.
      • “reference”, “return_url”, “client_bank_account_id”, “account_validation_url”, “message”, “error_message”, “successful_validation”
  • Ecommerce
    • Process Flow has been tweaked to improve the Customer experience.
      • Account Validation, when used, has been moved to earlier in the flow to avoid the Customer having to manually put in their account details before selecting them again via Account Validation
  • Portal
    • New option, for Account Validation, added to Ecommerce Page Setup.
      • “Allow non supported banks” - Allow or deny manual entry of Account details when the customer's bank is not in the Account Validation list.

The following issues have been fixed

  • Mandate V2 Webhook - spelling fix: “mandate_cancellation_count” property was incorrectly labelled as “mandate_cancelation_count”.
  • Mandate V2 Webhook - New property added: “submission_date” has been added to the webhook.

SmarterPay has introduced Email Subscriptions into SmarterPay Cloud.

Email subscriptions allow Internal emails, which are emails for Company staff members, and external emails, which are emails for customers, to be sent out when “subscribed” events occur in the system.

Changes, in SmarterPay Cloud, for this new feature, are:

SmarterPay has introduced Ecommerce link generation into SmarterPay Cloud.

We have taken the Ecommerce V1 functionality, currently in SmarterPay Cloud, and redesigned it with more features and functionality, whilst still keeping the legacy version in the system.

Changes, in SmarterPay Cloud, for this new feature, are:

Changes, in SmarterPay Cloud API, for this new feature, are:

SmarterPay has introduced multiple API keys into SmarterPay Cloud.

We have added the ability to have multiple API keys setup in the system. This allows integration from more than one third-party solution to have its own key, and IP access list, for greater security and control.

There is now separate IP access control for API and Portal.

Changes, in SmarterPay Cloud, for this new feature, are:

  • A new “Connected Application” object has replaced the “API Key” field under System Settings.
  • The “Network Access” menu item has been renamed to Portal Network Access.

SmarterPay has introduced Oauth into SmarterPay Cloud.

Also to increase security, we have added the OAuth option to Webhook Subscriptions.

Changes, in SmarterPay Cloud, for this new feature, are:

We have added the ability to modify upcoming payments to Ongoing Schedules, in the same way that you have been able to in Payment Plans.

Changes, in SmarterPay Cloud, for this new feature, are:

Changes, in SmarterPay Cloud API, for this new feature, are:

  • upcoming_payment property added to the Ongoing Schedule's API PUT Endpoint.

SmarterPay has introduced Account Validation Services, accessed through SmarterPay Cloud and SmarterPay Cloud API.

Account Validation can help avoid payment fraud, and manage risk, by verifying bank account ownership.

Please speak to your account manager, or sales, to find out prices and to enable the service on your account.

Click to view Account Validation Flow

Account validation has been introduced into the following areas:

The API, for Credits, has been altered slightly, to bring it in line with the rest of the system and to add new functionality.

The changes are:

  • The reference, that gets used to submit the Credit, can now be specified in the API POST request, using the “submission_reference” property. Please note that there are restrictions on what can be used in a reference, please see here for more details.
  • The ID property, in API responses, now contains the ID of the record. Previously this property would contain the reference used when submitting the Credit, which has now been moved to the “submission_reference”.

The changes have been introduced in the following areas:

  • API - Credit
    • Optional “submission_reference” property added to the POST request
    • “submission_reference” property added to API responses including API GET.

  • RFC-0000000310
    • SmarterPay Cloud used to send out a Mandate update v2 webhook, if subscribed, every time a new payment was created for the Mandate. This behaviour has been changed so that only the first 2 payments will trigger a Mandate update v2 webhook, which usually equates to a change of status on the Mandate for “First Collection” and “Ongoing Collection”.

Optional, and configurable, conditions have been added to SmarterPay Cloud's File Format definitions.
This allows records to be ignored, during the File Upload process, if they don't match one, or more, conditions.
This is very useful if the system generating a file, for submission, adds extra lines that cannot be removed using the other features of File Formats already in SmarterPay Cloud.

SmarterPay Cloud also supports more field delimiters in File Uploads.

SmarterPay Cloud now allows you to set up to 6 approvers for the File Upload Process.

The number of approvers is set for each Import Profile, which allows greater flexibility.

An RTI reference can now be used on Credits created via the Portal or the API

Pay As You Earn (PAYE) Real Time Information (RTI) is the process of matching payroll paid through Bacs Payment systems to individuals with the payroll data reported in real time. It provides confirmation of the amount paid into an individuals bank account to assist DWP with administration of all types of Universal Credit.

HMRC update: “From April 2024 (from tax year 2024/25) the BACs HASH has been removed from the list of required data and therefore will not be required.”

  • Last modified: 2024/02/20 11:55