
Table of Contents

1 Introducing SmarterPay
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Bacs
1.3 Bacstel-IP
1.4 SmarterPay
1.4.1 Data processing in SmarterPay
1.4.2 Security in SmarterPay
1.4.3 SmarterPay in your company
1.4.4 SmarterPay functionality
1.5 Release Notes
1.6 Installing or Upgrading
1.7 Password Policy
2 Running SmarterPay as a system service
2.1 Reconfiguring Your Installation
2.2 Connecting to Bacs using an Internet Proxy
2.2.1 Workaround 1
2.2.2 Workaround 2
2.2.3 Workaround 3
3 Quick Start Guides
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Quick Start for Service Users
3.2.1 Licence Codes
3.2.2 Service Users
3.2.3 System Users
3.2.4 File Formats
3.2.5 HSM Profiles
3.2.6 Back Office
4 SmarterPay Server Overview
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The SmarterPay Server GUI
4.2.1 Product Details
4.2.2 Registration Details
4.2.3 SmarterPay Ltd
4.2.4 Action Buttons
4.2.5 Failure to connect to server warning dialog
4.2.6 Server connection lost warning dialog
5 Common Features
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 Logon dialog
5.1.2 Status bar
5.1.3 Discard Dialog
5.1.4 Help - About dialog
5.1.5 Help - Online Support
5.1.6 Help - Payment Services website
6 Configuring the software
6.1 Introduction to the Administrator
6.1.1 Licence Codes
6.1.2 Configuration
6.1.3 Terminology
6.1.4 Security considerations
6.1.5 Business filters
6.2 Service User Configuration
6.2.1 Adding a service user
6.2.2 Editing a service user
6.2.3 Deleting a service user
6.3 System User Configuration
6.3.1 Adding a system user
6.3.2 Editing a system user
6.3.3 Deleting a system user
6.4 File Formats Configuration
6.4.1 Adding a new file format
6.4.2 Editing an existing file format
6.4.3 Deleting a file format
6.5 Back Office Configuration
6.5.1 Back Office Profile Configuration
6.5.2 Adding an import profile
6.5.3 Import Profiles - Advanced
6.5.4 Editing an import profile
6.5.5 Deleting an import profile
6.6 Licence Codes
6.6.1 Component Licence Codes
6.6.2 Licence Code Expiry
6.6.3 Installation Codes
6.7 Import Failures Configuration
6.8 File Retention Configuration
6.9 Log Configuration
6.9.1 Monitor page
6.9.2 Archive page
6.10 Server Settings
6.11 Client Options
6.12 Select Certificate Dialog
6.13 HSM Profiles
6.13.1 Add/Edit an HSM Profile
6.14 Email Alerts
6.15 EISCD Updates
7 Using the software
7.1 Introduction to the SmarterPay client
7.1.1 Bacs responses
7.1.2 The Bacs Processing Cycle
7.1.3 Security in Bacstel-IP
7.1.4 Security in the SmarterPay client
7.2 Application features
7.2.1 Page tab banner
7.2.2 Default pages
7.2.3 Logon status bar
7.2.4 Logon to Bacs
7.2.5 Print Report
7.2.6 Import File
7.2.7 Filters
7.3 Payment files
7.3.1 Menu bar
7.3.2 Tool bar
7.3.3 Data area
7.3.4 Payment Files - Actions/Context menu
7.3.5 Address Book
7.4 Active Submissions
7.4.1 Menu bar
7.4.2 Tool bar
7.4.3 Data area
7.4.4 Actions/Context menu
7.5 Archived Submissions
7.5.1 Menu bar
7.5.2 Tool bar
7.5.3 Data area
7.5.4 Archived Submissions - Actions/Context menu
7.6 Reports
7.6.1 Menu bar
7.6.2 Tool bar
7.6.3 Data area
7.6.4 Reports - Actions/Context menu
7.6.5 Report types
7.6.6 Input report timing
7.7 Error handling
8 Database Backup and Restore
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Perform a backup or restore
8.2.1 Using a non-default server
8.2.2 Performing the operation
9 Frequently asked questions
9.1 How do I import payment file data to SmarterPay?
9.2 How do I submit a payment file to Bacs?
9.3 How do I send a submission to Bacs?
9.4 How do I retrieve a Bacs report about a submission?
9.5 How do I view a Bacs report about a submission?
9.6 How do I know if Bacs received my submission?
9.7 Why doesn't my password work?
9.8 Why doesn't my PIN work?
9.9 What if the processing date has passed since I signed a submission?
9.10 How do I backup my database?
9.11 What if certificate validation fails?
9.12 Why isn't my HSM working?
10 Glossary of Terms
10.1 Additional contact
10.2 Arrival
10.3 ARUCS
10.4 ARUDD
10.5 Bacstel-IP
10.6 Bureau
10.7 Bureau service user number
10.8 Contact
10.9 CSV
10.10 Delimited records
10.11 Delimited records with fixed length fields
10.12 Digital certificate
10.13 Digital signature
10.14 Earliest processing date
10.15 Editing a service user bank account
10.16 Entry
10.17 Fixed length records
10.18 Input
10.19 Input report
10.20 Multi-file submission
10.21 Multi-processing day file
10.22 Originator
10.23 Payment file
10.24 Payment instruction
10.25 PKI credentials
10.26 Primary security contacts
10.27 Private key
10.28 Processing
10.29 Processing cycle
10.30 Public key
10.31 Public key infrastructure
10.32 Service user
10.33 Service user number
10.34 Signing Solution
10.35 Single file submission
10.36 Single processing day file
10.37 Smart card
10.38 Sponsor
10.39 SSL
10.40 Standard 18
10.41 Submission
10.42 Three-day cycle